As it was my first time there, I wanted a burger and the waitress recommended me to get their popular burger. She explained it is humongous about triple the size of a normal burger! Together with that, chips and salad were served at the side too. I couldn't handle that much food for lunch and opted a healthier version of burger; Rice Burger!
Menu : Angel's Wings
Price : Rp 29,500
Score : 5.75 / 10
>> BBQ sauce is yummy !! But the french fries' portion is pathetic -_-l". Honestly for the price I expect slightly more fries and they charge you for extra cheese sauce too ! Overall in comparison I'll still choose Pizza Hut's buffalo wings.
Menu : Samurai Rice Burger
Price : Rp 33,500
Score : 6.0 / 10
>> Need more seasoning definitely! The presentation and ingredients combination is superb but not enough salt and pepper for sure! I like the filling combination inside; onion rings, beef stir fry, mushrooms with mushroom sauce, all stacked in between the goodness of rice patties.
Menu : So Sweet
Price : Rp 24,500
Score : 5.5 / 10
>> The ice cream scoop is generous but the brownies at the bottom is slightly too thinly cut and thus turned pathetic. Definitely not enough and I want more. I like it though because it is warm and chewy!
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